VAF: Best Feature: My neighbors’ neighbors
Vi befinder os i et cirkus, scenen er sat; en tryllekunstner skal til at lave sit store nummer, hvor assistenten får skåret sine ben af. Assistenten er kvinden i hans liv, hans et og alt, men cirkusnummeret går galt, han skærer benene af hende, og de løber ud af cirkusset. Vi følger nu benene hen til en lejlighedsbygning, hvor vi lidt efter lidt bliver draget ind i de forskellige beboeres liv, fortællinger, relationer, håb og drømme. Med flotte billeder, mix af materialer og teknikker, skøre fortællinger, vidunderlige karakterer og en lejlighedstrappe, sammenflettes naboernes historier, der hver især kæmper med livets dramaer og fornøjelser. Filmen er i VAF Best feature Competition.
We are in a circus and the stage is set; a magician is going to make his big number where the assistant gets her legs cut off. The assistant is the woman in his life, his one and only, but the magic trick goes wrong, he cuts her legs off and they run out of the circus. We now follow the legs to an apartment building, where we are slowly drawn into the resident’s lives, stories, relationships, hopes and dreams. With beautiful images, mix of materials and techniques, crazy stories, wonderful characters and an apartment staircase, the stories of the neighbors are intertwined, each struggling with the dramas and pleasures of life The film is in the VAF Best Feature competition