VAF: Best Feature: Archipel

Tilladt for børn over 15 år
1 time 33 min
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VAF Best Feature: Archipel
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En smuk animationsfilm om opfundne øer. Om et imaginært, sprogligt, politisk territorium. Om et rigtigt eller drømt land, eller noget midt imellem. Archipel består af dragende, forførende tegninger, dokumentariske billeder og taler, der fortæller og drømmer om et sted og dets indbyggere, alt sammen for at reflektere over, hvad der gør et stykke jord til en region, til et fællesskab. Opstår dette først, når vi sætter ord på det? fortæller dets historier? Opstår det i vores arbejde? Eller i vores erindringer, sange og lege? Filmen er instrueret af Félix Dufour-Laperrière, og er en poetisk dokumentarfilm om øerne i St. Lawrence-floden i Canada, der danner en metafor for Quebecs status som et "uncertain country" præget af spændingerne mellem dets status som en provins i Canada og Québécois-folkets opfattelse af sig selv som en særskilt nation.

Filmen er i VAF Best feature Competition


A beautiful animated film about invented islands. About an imaginary, linguistic, political territory. About a real or dreamed country, or something in between. The archipel consists of alluring, seductive drawings, documentary images and speeches that tell and dream about a place and its inhabitants, all to reflect on what makes a piece of land a region, a community. Does this only occur when we put it into words? tells its stories? Does it occur in our work? Or in our memories, songs and plays? The film is directed by Félix Dufour-Laperrière, and is a poetic documentary about the islands of St. The Lawrence River in Canada, which forms a metaphor for Quebec's status as an "uncertain country" marked by tensions between its status as a province of Canada and the Québécois people's conception of themselves as a distinct nation.

The film is in the VAF Best Feature competition

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