vaf 2022
vaf 2022

VAF: ANIMOK: Bad guys

Frarådes børn under 7 år
1 time 45 min
Original titel
VAF: ANIMOK: Bad guys
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Animationsfilmen 'Bad Guys - de er super barske' er baseret på den kendte børne- og ungdomsserie 'The Bad Guys' af den australske forfatter Aaron Blabey. Ingen har nogensinde fejlet så hårdt i at prøve at være gode som de 5 berygtede venner i banden Bad Guys; Hr. Ulv, Don Piranha, Mister Haj, Tarantula og Sir Slange. Banden er verdens mest eftersøgte skurke på grund af deres utallige røverier, men da de endelig bliver sat under lås og slå, mægler Hr. Ulv en aftale, som skal komme dem alle fem til gode: Bandens super barske medlemmer vil nu fremover kun gøre gode gerninger. Med hjælp fra deres mentor Professor Marmalade drager banden sig ud i verden for at finde ud af, hvad der er vigtigst i verden. Men en ny skurk i byen gør det svært for Hr. Ulv og banden, og spørgsmålet er så bare, om de kan holde ord, når banden står foran deres største kup nogensinde? 


The animated film 'Bad Guys - they are super tough' is based on the well-known children's and youth series 'The Bad Guys' by the Australian author Aaron Blabey No one has ever failed so hard in trying to be good as the 5 infamous friends in the gang Bad Guys; Mr. Wolf, Don Piranha, Mister Haj, Tarantula and Sir Snake. The gang is the world's most wanted villain because of their countless robberies, but when they are finally put under lock and key, Mr. Wolf makes an agreement that will benefit all five of them: The gang’s super tough members will now in future only do good deeds. With the help of their mentor Professor Marmalade, the gang travels the world to find out what is most important in the world. But a new villain in town makes it hard for Mr. Wolf and the gang, and the question then is just whether they can keep their word when the gang is facing their biggest coup ever?

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