Smile 2
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Tilladt for børn over 15 år
2 timer 7 min
Original titel
Smile 2
Parker Finn
Naomi Scott
Rosemarie DeWitt
Lukas Gage
Kyle Gallner
United International Pictures
Filmen 'Smile 2' er opfølgeren til den populære gyserfilm Smile fra 2022, der blev set af over 130.000 danskere i biografen.
Nu vender den dæmoniske forbandelse tilbage med et ondt smil på læben. Da Popstjernen Skye Riley skal til at begynde sin verdensturné, begynder hun at opleve stadig mere og mere skræmmende og uforklarlige hændelser.
Overvældet af rædselsvækkende oplevelser må Skye en gang for alle gøre op med sin mørke fortid og tage kontrollen over sit liv, inden det er for sent.
Gyseren 'Smile 2' har både nye og velkendte ansigter er på rollelisten.
Kyle Gallner (Scream) vender tilbage som detektiv, mens Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage og Rosemarie DeWitt er blandt de nye navne.
Showtimes for Smile 2
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
Ledige sæder 20-100%
Ledige sæder 10-20%
Ledige sæder 1-10%