Den sidste rejse
Efter 40 år som populær fransklærer i Köping, går Lars Hammer på pension med planer om en skøn tredje alder med rejser, vin og oplevelser med hustruen Tiina. Men i stedet for at nyde de mange glæder, hans nye liv kunne byde på, bliver Lars i stedet mere og mere passiv og tilbringer det meste af sin tid hjemme i lænestolen, mens Tiina og sønnen Filip har mere end svært ved at genkende den livsglade mand og far, der altid har fyldt meget i deres liv.
Men nu skal der ske noget! Sammen med sin bedste ven og kollega Fredrik, beslutter Filip sig for at tage sin far med på en begivenhedsrig sidste rejse til Lars’ elskede Frankrig ad samme rute, som familien tog, da Filip var barn.
Ved i al hemmelighed at iscenesætte nogle af deres livs mest glorværdige øjeblikke og lade Lars genopleve sin kærlighed til Frankrig, håber Filip og Fredrik at kunne gentænde Lars’ livsgnist. Til at hjælpe sig har de to venner en sund dosis optimisme, opfindsomhed og en gammel orange Renault 4 – Lad eventyret begynde!
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.