VAF: Best Short Film Competition 01
Du har valgt Hillerød
Censur 15+
Mixed languages, english subtitles
De bedste animerede kortfilm fra i år, samlet på ét sted!
Den animerede kortfilm er et helt unikt format – hverken spillefilm eller serie-afsnit, men en intens, kondenseret mini-fortælling med maksimalt udbytte per minut. Alle film i programmet er nomineret til VAF Best Short Film ved VAF Awards-prisuddelingen.
Filmene i programmet er humoristisk, absurde, triste, tankevækkende. Ofte vil du tage dig selv i at tænke: ”Kan animation se sådan ud?”, for filmskaberne har haft frie hænder til at eksperimentere med håndtegnet animation, 3D animation, papirklip, dukkeanimation og alle mulige blandinger af teknikkerne.
VAF Best Short program er et blik ind i animationens vidtfavnende verden – og dens fremtid: Det er her, nye filmskabere finder de løsninger, der vil præge morgendagens spillefilm og tv-serier.
The best animated short films from this year, all in one place!
The animated short film is a unique format – neither feature film nor tv series episode, but an intense and concise mini story offering maximum impact per minute. All the films in the program are nominated for VAF Best Short Film at the VAF Award show.
The films in this program are humorous, absurd, sad, poignant. Often, you’ll find yourself wondering “can animation really look like that?”, because the filmmaker has had free hands to experiment with hand-drawn animation, 3D animation, cutout, puppet animation and any conceivable combination of techniques.
VAF Best Short program offers a glimpse into the stunning diversity of the world of animation – and into its future: This is where the directors of tomorrow come up with the ideas and concepts that will define feature films and tv series going forward.