
VAF: Best Graduation Film Competition 01

Du har valgt Frederikssund

Tilladt for børn over 15 år
1 time 30 min
Original titel
VAF: Best Graduation Film Competition 01
Genre ikke fastsat
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Censur 15+

Multiple languages, English subtitles

Talenterne spirer i film fra kunst- og animationsskoler fra hele verden

VAF Best Graduation Film fejrer unge animationsfilmskabere fra animationsskoler i hele verden. Alle film i programmet er nomineret til Best Graduation Film ved VAF Awards-prisuddelingen.

Programmet er fyldt med sprælske ideer, tankevækkende temaer, gnistrende energi og en masse mod og lyst til at skabe og fortælle. Filmene viser en bred vifte af stilarter og teknikker, hvor fortælling og opfindsomhed fostrer unikke ideer og visioner fra unge filmskabere, som er klar til at drage ud i verden og omforme den i deres eget billede.


The cream of the crop: Films from animation and art schools around the world

VAF Best Graduation Film celebrates young filmmakers from animation schools around the world. All the films in the program are nominated for the Best Graduation Film at the VAF Award show.

The program is full of playful ideas, profound themes, delirious energy and a lot of courage and desire to create and tell stories. The films show a wide range of styles and techniques, where storytelling and ingenuity create unique ideas and visions from young filmmakers who are ready to go out into the world and bend it to their will.

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